Dr. Gaurav Mittal's 'A Monk with a Merc': A Spiritual Journey Inspired by Bhagwat Gita Teachings

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The Book “A Monk with a Merc” which is an inspiration success story of Dr. Gaurav Mittal popularly known as “MahhaGuru” also is an immense inspiration to youngsters backed up by spirituality and belief in the Almighty into every aspect of daily life.

“Autobiographical book titled "A Monk with a Merc”, which chronicles my quest for spiritual enlightenment amidst the complexities of modern life. As I reflected on my journey, I realized that much of the inspiration and guidance I received along the way stemmed from your profound teachings on incorporating spirituality and belief in the Almighty into every aspect of daily life. Emphasis on the importance of dedicated work, combined with unwavering faith and devotion, served as a guiding light for me during my entrepreneurial journey and the writing process of my book. Through Bhagwat Gita teachings, I learned to navigate the challenges and uncertainties of life with grace and humility. I strive to embody the principles of compassion, integrity, and service in all my endeavours thanks to your guidance”; Says Dr. Gaurav Mittal.

The book draws heavily from different Veda, Puran’s invaluable insights and teachings, emphasizing the importance of dedication, faith, and mindfulness in navigating the complexities of the modern world. The valuable teachings have provided the foundation for this message, instilling a deep-seated belief in the power of faith and devotion to enrich and elevate every aspect of life.

We hope “A Monk with Merc” will continue to illuminate the path of countless seekers, guiding them toward a life of purpose, fulfilment, and divine grace.

Book is available on Amazon and Flipkart and can also be purchased from Publisher book store too.

 ‘Flipkart’: https://www.flipkart.com/a-monk-with-a-merc/p/itmd86ad804dd81f

‘Amazon’: https://www.amazon.in/Monk-Merc-Gauravv-Mittal-Adit/dp/B0CXPZGTVZ



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